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Diplomaticos, a brand dedicated solely to handmade cigars, was initially introduced in 1966 as a secondary value line associated with the prestigious Montecristo brand. Its main focus was on capturing the French market, offering a selection of sizes and names that closely mirrored the Montecristo nomenclature. The Diplomaticos line is meticulously crafted at the Jose Marti factory, the same establishment responsible for producing a significant portion of the renowned Montecristo range. These cigars are generally recognized for their medium to full-bodied profiles.

For the finest Diplomaticos cigars, look no further than Holmes Cuban Cigars. When you choose to purchase from us, you can have complete confidence in receiving cigars of the utmost quality. Our dedicated sales team, trained by Hunters & Frankau, personally inspects and packs each cigar, ensuring the wrapper color, overall condition, and absence of any signs of infestation. Holmes Cuban Cigars takes immense pride in offering our customers the highest quality Havana cigars available anywhere in the world.

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